

Jaichung and Me

I’m a PhD student studying Computer Science at the University of Oregon. I am interested in mathematics, machine learning, computer graphics, scientific visualization, vim, linux, and learning new things.

I also really like board games, climbing, being outdoors, and movies. If you have board game recommendations let me know. If you have bad movie recommendations please also send them my way.

I’ve had a wild academic/professional life. Started off in physics, worked for a company building rockets and radiation shielding, and somehow ended up in a Ph.D. program doing computer science. Currently I work with SHI Lab @ UO but was formerly a member of UO’s CDUX. I’m mainly interested in generative modeling but I work in other other areas as well. I am especially interested in explicit density generative models, such as Normalizing Flows.

More awkward in person.

I am open to internship opportunities and collaboration. Please email me if you are interested: blog [AT] walton [DOT] mozmail [DOT] com

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